NB Quo Vadis

NB Quo Vadis

Sunday 15 April 2012

Taking the Waters

Not enough time today for boating, but the need for excercise to strengthen my recovering knees meant a healthy walk to check out water supplies for the Top Section of the Leicester Line.
Welford lock now has two hefty pumps lifting water up to the wharf pump, which in turn lifts it into Welford reservoir. Gawd only knows how the water is getting into the Top Section .... pumped up at Watford? There certainly are no signs of pumping at Foxton Locks.

Dam/spillway Welford reservoir
Above Welford lock

       Here you can see water running down the inside of the spillway from the pump outlet. Level is up by a couple of feet and encouragingly, Sulby Reservoir is full. I was heartened to see lots of Great Crested Grebes diving for  their dinners, and newly-arrived Swallows happily skimming the water.

Naseby Reservoir is still VERY low though.
To take the picture on the left, normally I'd need waders at this time of year.
One consolation though, it may be half empty, but it is stunningly beautiful!

The upshot of this is that although we can, we certainly will think very hard before idly going up and down through Foxton Locks.

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