NB Quo Vadis

NB Quo Vadis

Friday 9 September 2011

TFI Friday

Last Friday we moved Quo down to Foxton Locks for a change of scene, winded at the foot of the locks, then moored on the visitors moorings. Liz did most of the steering, so for a change, I was able to enjoy the boat on the move.
We left her there, with just a brief visit on Wednesday to check all was well.

Today we took her back up to Debdale, winded by the bridge then back to Foxton, to moor the other way round, so that the side hatch is on the canal side ... so much more pleasant. Once again, Liz did most of the steering, apart from the winding, which I did, NOT assisted by the wind, necessitating a certain amount of reversing and general fiddling about, but no dramas.

On the return, again Liz handled the boat, and we had a first, as she moored beautifully, whilst I merely handled the bow line. 
Liz had to nip back home to pick up Jody and his Sax from school, leaving me to chill & get ready for our meal. When she returned, she brought a home-made frozen chilli and some rice, which we quickly cooked up and ate. I really love cooking and eating aboard Quo.

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