NB Quo Vadis

NB Quo Vadis

Thursday, 15 September 2011

A rare day off

Had a rare thing today .... a day off work.
Due to un-forseen circumstances (business partner suffered a severe illness .. on the mend now thankfully), I have not been able to take any time off since mid-July, running the shop single-handed and it was making "Jack" a VERY dull boy. Despite having, in effect, to close the shop for 3 days I felt the need to catch the last few days of sunshine, so I'm taking a long weekend .

Welford Reservoir by the lower dam
Last weekend, we cruised Quo down to Foxton Locks and moored up there ready for the Festival, with a vague plan to go up the locks tomorrow and moor at the top, nearer the Festival site. With the current water shortage, we felt uneasy using the locks, just on a whim, to save a short walk, so we thought we'd check out the state of Welford and Sulby reservoirs. The following pictures show why we'll be staying put at the bottom.

On our trip, we incorporated a visits to the Folly Pub at Napton .... excellent lunch, Midland Chandlers (new door bolts) and the Marina at Braunstone. All in all, a great way to spend a beautiful sunny day.
Welford Reservoir by the upper dam

Hoping to sleep overnight on Quo this weekend, possibly the last chance for a while, and in preparation, I'm pleased to say that I've fettled my on-board guitar. After much use of a power-sander and an Allen key, it is much nicer to play now.

Can't wait for that full English fried breakfast aboard Quo on Sunday morning, followed by lazing about and strumming.... that should do the trick.
Sulby Reservoir

Sadly, I didn't see any Grebes at Sulby, I think this is the first time I've ever been there and not seen any .. I do hope they are still about somewhere, as they are one of my favourite birds. Could be because all the Geese, Ducks, Herons and Seagulls that live on the ressie are having to cram themselves into a rapidly decreasing area of water. We need a lot of rain, soon .... but please let it not start 'til Tuesday morning.

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