NB Quo Vadis

NB Quo Vadis

Wednesday, 4 November 2020

Catching Up

Since my last post, Quo has undergone two (yes 2!) repaints and has moved to a new marina!
First repaint was a relatively cheap “quickie” in Nov 2014 which looked great through 2015, but fell off the following winter. Quo subsequently looked so sad and shabby that we turned our backs on her most of 2016, embarrassed to be seen out.

Only thing for it was to take advise on having her properly painted and we settled on Oxon Boat Painters at Stretton to whom we delivered her on May 8th 2017
Six weeks later we got her back looking superb, but over that time the domestic batteries 
decided to die. The picture below shows the new Quo, temporarily moored in Brinklow Marina to facilitate my changing the 3 domestic batteries.
To complete her update, we had the soft seating re-covered and fitted new curtains. She is now thoroughly lovely again!

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