NB Quo Vadis

NB Quo Vadis

Sunday 1 December 2013

Ship Shape and Bristol Fashion

After a superb pub lunch at The Wheel and Compass, Liz and I shuffled over to Debdale to put everything back aboard Quo ready for her to be moved out of the shed.
We re-filled the gas locker with the spare gas bottle, the chimney and our extra fenders etc. refitted the stern rope and squirted as much spray silicone grease as possible into the bottom rudder bearing.
Liz tidied up inside whilst I re-fitted the centre and bow ropes and shut off the main water tank tap. finishing off by putting the newly painted poles and gangplank back on the roof and capping the chimney.
All that is left to do now is for Debdale to black the hull, sort a small diesel leak on the tank tap and the singing propeller.
This shows the extension to the front of the rudder that made a huge difference to the handling.

Ready for blacking.


Lest we forget where we are.

Rob's finishing touch.

Can't wait to see her fully broadside outside the shed.



Very different here.

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