NB Quo Vadis

NB Quo Vadis

Wednesday 12 June 2013

The South Africans are coming - From Yorkshire!

Once again, we were glad to welcome Liz's niece Joanna, husband Martin and their lovely kids Amy and Christopher for a day-trip on Quo. Having grown up, married and had the kids in South Africa, they took the bold decision a couple of years ago to up-sticks and move to UK. Their lifestyle over there was wonderful, but they viewed the future with some alarm, and moved to Wharfdale in Yorkshire.
The first couple of years have been an uphill struggle, but they are getting there, and, most importantly, the kids love it here!
Joanne, James & Amy at Kibworth Locks

Martin and Liz C

Captain Christopher

Geoff bringing Quo into Kibworth Top lock

Geoff at the tiller, Lizzie in an advisory capacity

Lunchtime mooring. Ready to ride the C&RT wave.

We had a great day, along with Liz's brother Geoff and his wife Liz (she is next to Lizzie in my mobile phone's address book and has received one or two amusing texts).
Geoff loves the boat, and revels in taking the tiller and I'm happy to indulge him.
Loaded with party food, weset off at 10am from Debdale on a beautiful sunny day, heading north through Saddington tunnel (Geoff particularly enjoyed steering through there) then down several locks to moor up for lunch just south of Pywell's lock.

At this point, a C&RT guy appeared saying they were going to have to let some water down to correct a shortage at Kilsby and not to be alarmed when the boat went up and down.
This was great, and the kids loved it as the water swirled and Quo bucked and reared on her ropes, rising and falling about a foot! We didn't loose any time, as we had stopped for lunch anyway. After we'd eaten, we chugged to the turning point just past Crane's lock, turned and slowly retraced our steps, everybody mucking in on working these particularly heavy locks.
After 9 hours afloat, we chugged back into Debdale a very happy bunch indeed ... another great day on Quo!

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