NB Quo Vadis

NB Quo Vadis

Saturday 6 April 2013

Hospital Silencer

Dropped over to Debdale to give Quo a look-over and quickly decided that the wind still had a bit too much of an edge for a leisure cruise to Foxton and back. 
That decided, we just ran up the heating and the engine for 20 minutes or so ... basking in the lack of noise from the engine ... Steve certainly did a fine job and for £50 or so less than the quote :o)
At 1200 revs, you can talk in whispers on the rear deck, and because the new, much larger silencer has been tucked under the deck, the engine is actually more accessible ..... all in all it was money well spent.
Pictures to follow.

When we finally do get cruising, Quo will be a completely different boat thanks to Debdale Marine. I know lots of boaters moan about the prices charged by marinas, but as usual, you get what you pay for.
Everything Debdale have done so far has been done well, and made the boat better than when she left the builders, especially their suggestion to extend the rudder.

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