NB Quo Vadis

NB Quo Vadis

Sunday 6 January 2013

Debdale landslip

At the risk of drowning in mud, I squelched my way up the towpath from Debdale Marina to just before Bridge 67 to get these pictures of the landslip that closed the canal over Christmas 2012 and early 2013.

 Canal closure at the old bridge 66

View North from Bridge 65. 
No sign of the closure until you've gone round the bend, ie. past the last winding point in the Marina entrance or before the bridge at Debdale Wharf

Looking South from Bridge 65.
The Joey in the distance is currently sitting on the bottom, full of rainwater, despite the water level being at maximum. During the last year, when the wind got up, the Joey often broke loose and straddled the canal, leaving us just enough room to squeeze past. No amount of pushing by us could move it.

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