The title says it all really., last friday Liz and I tidied the boat and chugged down to Foxton, turned and came back to Debdale ... just because we could.
Saturday afternoon, we went over to put the fridge on and provision the boat, we then treated ourselves to a run up to Saddington tunnel and back. With the water shortages, it is much quieter now and even more relaxing.
Sunday went like a dream, everybody turned up by 10.30am as arranged (only sadness was that eldest son James couldn't make it) and off we slowly set to Saddington Tunnel winding hole. Timing was perfect, as we had a table booked at the Bell in Gumley for 1.00pm, and we arrived back at Debdale for 12.30pm. We moored-up outside the marina, because I indended to spend the afternoon cruising as well as the weather was perfect.
After an excellent lunch, I extended an offer of an afternoon cruise to everyone, and all eleven accepted without hesitation!
Jody + Pigeon in-flight! |
Sister taking a turn at the tiller |
Bethany saying "no publicity!" |
Sunday lunch at Gumley ... yum yum! |
Brother-in-law Geoff proving he's a natural Helmsman |
Mac the Meercat |
Moored for lunch | | | | | | | |
For the afternoon, we went south to Foxton chugging slowly through the swing-bridges and up to wind by the old A6. On the way back, we were "mugged" by 5 boats (again!) that had been spending the afternoon on that stretch. No sooner had my crew opened the road swing-bridge than they all appeared one after the other, so we waved them all through. A little later on, one of them reciprocated on the footbridge at least.
Another first on the way, a moored narrowboat near the footbridge had come free at the front, and had swung out into our path, so with Geoff at the tiller, we just gently nudged it back in, and I hopped off and re-secured it's front pin ... all good fun.
By now we had raised a thirst, so we reversed onto the Inn's mooring, and Mac treated us all to a drinkie before we chugged slowly back to Debdale. All in all it was a tip top day, I just wish James & Jess could have been there as well.
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