NB Quo Vadis

NB Quo Vadis

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Of Belts and all things Beta

Made several phonecalls all around the country to get alternator belts and filters for our Beta-38 engine, only to end up back at Foxton Boat Services who are the local agents (not listed on the Beta Marine website).
I managed to squeeze a tad more out of the adjuster to tighten the old engine alternator belt, but I'll be happier replacing it before our holiday cruise.
Another minor annoyance that we get when cruising is the prop ringing at low to medium revs, so I Googled, then lifted the weed hatch to examine the prop. All I could find was a small amount of leading edge damage to one blade, all the blades having nicely honed trailing edges (bulbous edges apparently  cause cavitation and resultant resonant ringing). I'll attempt to clean up the damaged edge with a file and cross my fingers.

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