Having seen Jody off for Prague on the school Jazz band tour, we started to think about loading Quo for our first cruise.
Now it was HOT yesterday, wasn't it? Bit of an understatement that .... and we were loading our gear aboard during the hottest part of the day. It took three car trips to get it all aboard .. OK the last one was because I forgot to take the fresh food out of our fridge at home, but hey I'm on holiday, and so, apparently, is my brain.
Barometer set "FAIR" |
We had much juggling to do to get everything in, as we have taken the attitude that everything that was on the boat when we bought it must have some vital purpose, and as such have been loath to throw anything away, indeed we have added considerably to "things that might come in useful" inventory.
There was no rush to get away from the marina, so we watched the European GP and chilled.
Still in the marina at 6pm, we decided to eat ... one of my very own chilli concoctions ... with rice, then sat back to digest.

By 7.30, the temperature was just right, so we ran up the engine and cast-off ... hurray!
The slow cruise down to Foxton was lovely, not another boat on the move, and the water almost motionless.
We found a mooring straight away on the nice concreted section with mooring rings just by the water points ... luxury.
A short stroll up to a bustling Bridge 61 for a drinkie then back to Quo, watching the bats skimming the water.
And so to bed.
We have never slept on Quo before, or even used the lights for any length of time, but I'm pleased to say it is brilliant, so cosy, and the bed is really comfortable ..... I could get used to this!
I awoke at about 7am (not sure as I have left my watch at home) to this view from the side hatch.
As it is soooo nice here, we are in no hurry to move on. Liz is just reading and unwinding, and I'm strumming my guitar. We are behaving just like tourists, mooching around the little shop, gongoozling the locks and eating at the Inn, and all this just 5 miles from home :o)
Saw one truly amazing thing today though, in a day and a half, we have covered a massive 2 miles, others however are in more of a hurry apparently. A lady was gently cruising her narrowboat past us and other moored boats, heading for Debdale, whilst a grey-haired man in another, smaller narrowboat was trying to force his way past her on the left side ... I bet he's good in a car!!!